
Living Simply: A Lesson for Book Lovers

I go through my phases. They usually last around 6 months, and then the addiction subsides and I enjoy this obsession as a casual hobby again. Currently I’m fanatical about reading. I’ve somehow become obsessed with reading any book about teaching, blogging, business, positive psychology, and happiness. I’ve gone through the yearlong ‘playing-my-guitar-until-my-fingertips-are-beyond-calloused’ phase, resulting…

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Teaching/Mentoring with Heart: It’s Ok to Be Human

This is the title of Peggy Liggit’s TEDxEMU talk about connecting with students and making a difference. Like every other thing I feel compelled to write about, I loved it. As the director of faculty development at Eastern Michigan University- and the daughter of a professor so dedicated to teaching that he instilled the same…

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How to Inspire College Students: Life Goals Activity

Do your students know what their life goals are? At least once during the semester- normally during the beginning or middle of the term- I have my students do some sort of activity to evaluate why they’re really here in college, or more generally, what they want out of life. This semester I created an…

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What Will They Remember 10 Years From Now?

For some reason I can’t shake this question: What will they remember 10 years from now? I met a fellow adjunct instructor at the beginning of this term, and we’ve met up in the campus adjunct office quite a bit. This seasoned instructor mentioned to me that, realistically, most students won’t remember what they learned…

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3 Steps to Overcome Your Fears

Olympia LePoint may be my new hero. Her talk about fear and overcoming it is pretty amazing: ‘Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear: Olympia LePoint at TEDxPCC’ When I stumbled upon this TED talk, I instantly knew I needed to show it in my Fundamentals of Speech class. The biggest problem students have in my…