
The Power of Positive Thinking in the Morning

IMG_3159I haven’t done a great job of having a meaningful morning lately. For the past month, I’ve picked up my phone to check emails the moment my alarm goes off in the a.m.

However, because of this shift in my habits, it’s become even more evident to me that a positive morning routine can do powerful things, not just for your day, but for your life.

I can feel the difference between my current work-filled mornings, and my fall and winter mornings that were comprised of 30 minutes of yoga, reading, journaling, and positive thoughts (it sounds super cheesy, but I miss those days!).

I still maintain a lot of those healthy habits, but they’re more sporadic, and not usually first thing in the morning.

The more I read about happiness, and the power of the mind, the more I think back on those mornings. There’s something about giving yourself reflection time for a few minutes each morning that permeates the rest of the day, and makes every moment a little bit better.

I’ll give it a shot with you. Let’s do it. Just 5-10 minutes each morning of self-indulgent reflection/reading/journaling/stretching time. I’m sure you’ll slip up, or forget, or not feel like doing it some days (like 100% of other humans have done when it comes to building habits).

But I guarantee it’ll increase your well-being and lead to some pretty spectacular moments if you let it.

Happy living.

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