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Happy Professors Share Their Stories

DSC_4924 copyHave you ever wondered why so many teachers seem so happy? Or maybe you’ve had your own incredible journey as an educator. Many will tell you that it’s not just about teaching, it’s about the learning that happens, the inspiration that can come from the classroom, and the people one meets.

For some time I’ve wanted to get input from other educators and college instructors about their own unique journeys in their career. Over the last month, I’ve compiled stories from those in Malaysia, Thailand, New York, Oregon, Ohio, Florida, and those that have been inspired to travel the world, write, or start a business as a result of their teaching experiences.

As for myself, the years I’ve spent as an instructor have taught me the value of meeting different people and understanding different perspectives, as well as how powerful a genuine message can be, whether it’s through writing, praise, or encouragement.

As every teacher knows, you always learn more from your students than you anticipate, and I think we can learn just as much from the stories and inspiration of fellow educators.

With that, I introduce to you the Happy Professors series.

If you’d like your story to be a part of the series, feel free to contact me.

Happy teaching, learning, and growing!

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