3 Simple Things That Will Leave You Inspired

IMG_0159I have a list of ‘Inspiring Things To Do’ that I keep at the very front of various notebooks that I use to keep track of errands, school assignments to grade, etc.

I’ve rounded this list out with things that will continually inspire me when I’m already feeling on top of the world, but will also leave me inspired on days where I’m just not feeling it.

It’s easy to forget about some of the simplest things that might make you soar, which is why I keep my list handy. Among the 11 items on my list are playing the guitar, listening to the Tim Ferriss podcast or an audiobook, and writing. However, there are more basic ones that I believe would suit most people.

Having said that, if you need a little inspiration today, here are 3 things that could inspire you, and I guarantee at least one of them will work regardless of your current mood:

  1. Go on a short (or long) walk around your neighborhood.
  2. Text (or call) a good friend to make plans within the next week.
  3. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for (and/or start a gratitude journal).

I hope 2016 is treating you well and leaving you truly inspired!

Happy living :).

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