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Automate Everything: How to Save 10 Hours Each Week

Tim Ferriss has talked about how to cut hours from our busy schedules in The Four Hour Work Week, and I took some helpful suggestions to heart after listening to the audio book. However, I’m sure many people, like me, were still left thinking “I don’t know that I could apply this to my job/life.”…

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4 Tips for Staying Focused When Working from the Local Coffee Shop

I recently had a former student ask me how I stay motivated to work from home or coffee shops. I’m currently working from my laptop at the Panera down the street, so I thought now would be a good time to list 4 tips that are helping me stay focused at the moment: Focus on…

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Finding Your Work Flow: How to Be More Productive With Less Caffeine

Since I started phasing out energy drinks over a year ago, and then gradually eliminated my daily coffee fix, I’ve been trying to find a way to keep my productivity up. As someone who works from home on a computer every day and relies on self-motivation, this has not been easy without caffeine. You see,…

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How to Prepare for One Month of Working Remotely: The 3 Most Important (and Potentially Obvious) Things to Take Care of Before You Leave

Working from home seems to be more common these days, and it make sense that those of us doing so would want to make the very most of it. Whether you take the opportunity to stay home with your kids, work odd hours, or travel the world, being ‘location independent’ is a tremendous opportunity that…