
Being Present

It’s harder than it should be to enjoy the moment you’re currently experiencing, without trying to check something off a list or get lost in future plans. That’s why I appreciate the end of every semester. It helps to puts things in perspective. I imagine it feels a teeny tiny bit like when one’s children…


Zen Moments, Freedom, and Other Things We Could All Use More Of

I’ve mentioned before that I go through various phases from time to time, and honestly, I think we all should. I tend to get into a hobby or new interest (very heavily) for a year or so, then move on and invest my time in something new, and eventually I’ll circle back to an old…


Lasting Impact

Every person has had something happen in their life that changed them forever. I’ve had a few life changing moments at this point, but the very first one, the one that I believe set all the others into motion, was going to college. A degree isn’t for everyone, but for someone like me, the classes,…