
Make time for passion projects (just because)

When I started adjuncting over a decade ago it was simply because I was passionate about teaching and inspiring students (you know what they say, do what you love and the money will follow). But I don’t believe passions necessarily need to make money. For instance, I have a cheesy dream of writing holiday novels…


The Best Books I’m Rereading/Listening to in 2020 to Get Inspired

Being a mom to two tiny kids, who are home all day (and bored a lot of the time) during a pandemic, while I’m also working at home in the same home office as my husband, while also trying to remain an inspired and energetic person is really really hard (and that’s an understatement). No…

6 Way to Stay Connected and Sane When You’re ‘Stuck at Home’

At some point in your life you’ll probably be ‘stuck at home’ for some long period/s of time. Whether you’re social distancing due to coronavirus, you have an infant that limits your ability to leave the house, or you’re taking care of a loved one or relative, staying home can be harder than it sounds…

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How To ‘Do It All’ (But Not at the Same Time)

I don’t know if this is exclusive to women, but in our day and age, I get the impression that we all tend to feel like we’re supposed to do everything, do it well, and do it fairly easily. But as I’ve gotten older, and taken on more responsibility each year (a job with ever-increasing…

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3 Ways to Make Your To-Do List Less Overwhelming When Working At Home

Working from home instead of driving to an office everyday can reduce stress in a number of ways, but it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed with both home and work responsibilities since there aren’t any real boundaries (for instance, trying to be professional during an exam review webinar while sitting in a messy house,…

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How to Make the Most of a Flexible Work Schedule During the Holiday Season

Somehow the semester flew by, and somewhere around the beginning of November I started realizing that for the past few months I hadn’t fully taken advantage of the fact that I work from home, make my own hours, and can go do fun things with my little one whenever I want. I was working a…

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Why Fall is My Favorite Season/Semester to Teach Online

I had a few other blog posts lined up to use this month, but I didn’t want to miss my opportunity to write a holiday-themed post (my favorite!). As online teachers know, sometimes the work we do at our computer year-round can get repetitive, but I like to break up the year by thinking about…

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The Difference Between Being a Work-at-Home Parent & Living the ‘Laptop Lifestyle’

What it means to be a work-at-home parent.. I used to love living the ‘laptop lifestyle,’ being ‘location independent,’ and ‘working remotely’ (all those trendy phrases you’ve heard way too much in 2018). I still have the same job, and technically I have the same opportunities, but with a baby, I’m living more of the…